“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
~Psalm 139:14 (NIV)
God has been doing some fine tuning in my life. Sometimes I desire so much to be used by Him, that I become lost in that desire. I have found that to be true as I write these devotionals in the last month or so. My intentions have been in the right place, as I have intended to bring the light of Jesus to those who have yet to know God’s Truth. But somewhere along the line, I forgot to study God’s Truth for myself.
Writing these devotionals has become somewhat mechanical for me and has not flown out of my joy to serve the Lord. So I have taken a few steps back. I am re-evaluating what it means to be a writer and what my true desires are in writing. This will be the last devotional in this format.
To be honest I’m not really a format kind of gal. I don’t really enjoy structure when it comes to things like this. I enjoy letting God move me moment by moment. He is in charge, not me. This is His time, His words, and my life is His to lead. I will be here as His instrument to write through when He so chooses to and I will write the words He chooses to write through me. I may write one day a week or five, depending on what God lays on my heart.
Dear Father God, I pray that You will continue to guide me for Your glory. Please pour into me, so I can pour into others. May I always listen to You and glean wisdom from Your Word.
Thank You for the Fine Tuning Lord,