1. Which is worse: a long, boring meeting or standing in a return/exchange line after Christmas? I'd rather be in the long, boring meeting! Atleast I'm sitting down!LOL
2. Except for maybe Rosie O'Donnell or Ann Coulter, nobody likes confrontation, yet we all have to deal with it. When you feel cornered and defensive, do you "bite back" or become passive aggressive? I guess I become passive aggressive unless you've caught me on a really bad day (like when I'm on my cycle!).
3. Do you know anything about your genealogical background? (What country, culture, ties to prominent historical figures, or other stuff.) I don't know anything about my background. I'm still trying to find a way to locate my father's other kids by another wife!
4. What is the quickest way a person can endear him/herself to you? Take me out to dinner!LOL I'm sorry, but food is the quickest way to MY heart!lol
5. Cake, pie, cookies, or ice cream? (Note there is no "all of the above" option. You must choose one. Feel free to elaborate on flavor or memories tied to this dessert.) If you'd like, you can share a recipe, but you certainly don't have to. I think those of you who read this blog regularly can answer this one: I.C.E.C.R.E.A.M.!!!!!
6. Females: Do you regularly change your handbag to coordinate with your outfit? I have 2 bags and that's it! VERY low maintenance!
7. Are you task-oriented or relationship-oriented? I'm not sure how to answer this about myself...relationship, maybe?
8. IHOP, Bob Evans or Cracker Barrel? IHOP!! It's Mel favorite eatery!!
9. Have you ever left a movie in progress in a theater? Why? No, but I SHOULD have!! I should have walked out on House of 1000 Corpses!!!! It was the worst movie ever made!!
10. What is one area of life in which you would like to develop more discipline or organization? My eating/exercise habits!!! If I could just get it in my brain that I NEED exercise to live, I'd be great!!
11. Was middle school fun or painful? Middle school was wonderful!! I finally had friends who accepted me for just being me!
12. What is your favorite Fall beverage? There are ones just for Fall?! LOL