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Nonprofit holds fundraiser to help people leaving polygamous groups and more...

Nonprofit holds fundraiser to help people leaving polygamous groups

Holding Out Help Aa Salt Lake City-based nonprofit for people leaving polygamous groups held a fundraiser Friday.

The organization has seen its numbers grow significantly in the past year as dozens of people have been excommunicated from the state's largest polygamous sect, the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints led by Warren Jeffs


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Will the taxwomen bring down the polygamist? How about a columnist?

Winston Blackmore Winston Blackmore may have finally met his match: the taxwomen -- whom he is facing in a landmark Tax Court trial.

Also on his case: Canadian author and columnist Daphne Branham.


Polygamous leader borrowed $25K for end of the world, false predicted 15+ times by Warren Jeffs

Winston Blackmore Canadian polygamist Winston Blackmore revealed in a Tax Court he was compelled to pay money to the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to prepare for the end of world as prophecied by the sect's leader, Warren Jeffs.

To date at least 15 different deadlines set by Jeffs have gone and gone.


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