Aum Shinikyo cult member charged with kidnapping and confinement and more...

Posted by religion world Saturday, January 21, 2012

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Aum Shinikyo cult member charged with kidnapping and confinement and more...

Aum Shinikyo cult member charged with kidnapping and confinement

Makoto Hirata A senior member of Aum Shinrikyo -- the doomsday cult behind the 1995 nerve gas attack on Tokyo subways -- has been charged in a kidnapping case, one of dozens of cult-related crimes in the 1990s.

Prosecutors charged Makoto Hirata with "unlawful capture" and confinement Friday in connection with the fatal abduction of a lawyer.


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'Hate group' listing triggers protest by coalition of African-American pastors

hate groups A protest outside the headquarters of the Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery, Ala. last Tuesday put the spotlight on a clash of views between the center and a coalition of African-American pastors and their supporters.

The groups of pastors condemn the SPLC for using its "hate group" label to describe faith-based organizations that are against the LGBT lifestyle


New special prosecutor for FLDS community of Bountiful

Bountiful Vancouver lawyer Peter Wilson has been named as the new special prosecutor to look into potential criminal offences in Bountiful, British Columbia.

He will be considering potential offences relating to sexual offences against minors, including sexual assault, sexual interference and parents or guardians procuring sexual activity.


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Mexico enacts rules against 'miracle cure' ads

quackery Mexico has a long history of faith healers and home remedies, but the problem has come to a head in the last few years with a constant stream of ads on television for more "scientific" sounding creams that supposedly lift or enlarge breast and buttocks, magnets that help users lose weight, or pills and powders that cure gastric problems or diabetes.


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