Cult leader Warren Jeffs prophecies famine by mob rule and more...

Posted by religion world Friday, December 16, 2011

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Cult leader Warren Jeffs prophecies famine by mob rule and more...

Cult leader Warren Jeffs prophecies famine by mob rule

Warren Jeffs It appears that imprisoned cult leader Warren Jeffs is using his life sentence to sharpen his creative writing skills.

For the fourth time this year he has issued a set of revelations which he represents as coming directly from Jesus Christ.


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Christians in Kashmir, India Increasingly Fearful, Report Says

India A fact-finding mission to India's Kashmir Valley found that Muslim leaders' increasingly shrill opposition to conversions has instilled fear among the Christian minority, which has been threatened as Christmas nears.

Christians in Srinagar, the summer capital of India's northern-most state of Jammu and Kashmir, are "really scared," said Dr. John Dayal, a member of the National Integration Council and part of the fact-finding team.


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