Scientology cult buys TV studio and more...

Posted by religion world Wednesday, April 27, 2011

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Scientology cult buys TV studio and more...

Scientology cult buys TV studio

Scientology The Church of Scientology -- a cult marketing quackery and other nonsense under the guise of religion -- has just bought itself a bigger pulpit.

KCET-TV has sold its landmark Sunset Boulevard studio to the cult, which plans to use it to counter the mostly negative flow of news reports about the organization.


WikiLeaks: Guantánamo Bay terrorists radicalised in London to attack Western targets

Islam The Finsbury Park mosque in north London served as a "haven" for Islamic extremists as the capital became a central hub in the worldwide movement of Muslim militants, US documents seen by WikiLeaks showed Monday.

The files, written by senior US military commanders at Guantanamo Bay, called the Finsbury Park mosque "an attack planning and propaganda production base" and named preachers Abu Qatada and Abu Hamza as key recruiters.


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