Wife of convicted Muslim terrorist on trial in Germany and more...

Posted by religion world Saturday, November 6, 2010

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Wife of convicted Muslim terrorist on trial in Germany and more...

Wife of convicted Muslim terrorist on trial in Germany

Muslim terrorism The wife of a German convert to Islam who was convicted of plotting a thwarted attack on U.S. targets in Germany went on trial herself Friday on charges of supporting terrorist organizations.

Filiz Gelowicz, 28, is accused of supporting the Islamic Jihad Union and the German Taliban Mujahideen by helping provide euro3,000 ($4,225) to fund terrorist training camps in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region between 2009 and 2010. She faces up to five years in prison.

FLDS: Psychologist continues testimony

Keith William Dutson Jurors got a closer look at life in the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints when they heard from a former church member in the eighth day of the trial of Keith Dutson Jr.

On Thursday, the jury heard from former FLDS member Rebecca Musser.

Jurors began the day with more testimony from Larry Beall, a clinical psychologist who specializes in trauma.

Radical Muslim hate group's website publishes MP 'death list

Muslim hate criminals A website which influenced a young Muslim to stab an MP has posted dozens more MPs' names on a 'death list' with an exhortation to Muslims to follow her example.

It published a list of all the MPs who voted for the Iraq war together with an instruction to Muslims to try to kill them, saying: "We ask Allaah for her action to inspire Muslims to raise the knife of Jihaad against those who voted for the countless rapes, murders, pillages, and torture of Muslim civilians as a direct consequence of their vote."

Vatican warns of 'wayward' Opus Angelorum sect

Opus Sanctorum Angelorum The Vatican has warned Catholic bishops around the world to monitor carefully a secretive traditionalist sect which prays to angels to combat demons.

The Church said some members of the Opus Angelorum sect were carrying out "activities that disturb the ecclesiastical community".

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