Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders forms anti-Islam group and more...

Posted by religion world Friday, July 16, 2010

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Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders forms anti-Islam group and more...

Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders forms anti-Islam group

Geert Wilders An anti-Islam lawmaker in the Netherlands is forming an international alliance to spread his message across the West in a bid to ban immigration from Islamic countries, among other goals.

Geert Wilders told The Associated Press in an interview Thursday he will launch the movement late this year, initially in five countries: the U.S., Canada, Britain, France and Germany.

Former ATF agent has come to terms with tragic Branch Davidians siege fiasco

Waco Branch Davidians siege Robert Rodriguez has accepted that he'll forever be linked with the ATF's ill-fated raid of the Branch Davidian compound, but he rarely talks about the events that led to one of the biggest calamities in U.S. law enforcement history.

That's perfectly understandable. Four ATF agents were killed and 20 were wounded on Feb. 28, 1993, when the ATF tried to serve a federal warrant to search the Branch Davidian compound for illegal firearms. Six members of the religious sect were killed or wounded.

Burial site for Moonies approved

Moonies mass wedding A religious sect has been granted planning permission to create a burial ground in a village near Swindon, UK.

The Family Federation For World Peace And Unification, more commonly known as the Moonies, can now turn a field in Stanton Fitzwarren into a memorial woodland burial site, despite objections from the parish council, the local councillor and villagers.

Messianic Jewish Church Won't Appeal Israeli Court Ruling

Messianic Jews A congregation of Messianic Jews in Israel who recently lost a lawsuit against an ultra-orthodox Jewish group that allegedly incited a riot against them has decided not to appeal their case, the church's pastor has said.

After meeting with his congregation and members of the Messianic community in Israel, Howard Bass, pastor of Yeshua's Inheritance church in Beer Sheva, said that although there are strong legal grounds for an appeal, he believes it is not God's will to do so.

TV networks reject controversial '9/11 mosque' ad

Islam Two US TV networks have refused to air a controversial advert condemning plans to build a mosque near the site of the 9/11 terror attacks in New York.

either CBS nor NBC, two of the major US television networks, will screen the advert.

'Virtual preaching' transforms Sunday sermons

high tech churches A new generation of pastors is using technology -- high-def videos, and even holograms -- to beam their Sunday morning sermons to remote "satellite" churches that belong to their congregation.

While some say physical presences is important, others point out that the Apostles themselves wrote letters to churches to be read while they were not present.

Tense relations lead to violent threat in FLDS communities

Colorado City Disputes over fields, grain silos, water rights and homes in a polygamous community have gotten so bad, according to the Arizona Attorney General's Office, that an emergency hearing is needed as "quickly as possible."

The request comes amid death threats and allegations that local police are refusing to enforce court-backed decisions made by the fiduciary overseeing virtually all property in the twin towns of Hildale, Utah, and Colorado City, Ariz.

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