Court orders Jehovah’s Witness boy be given blood transfusion and more...

Posted by religion world Saturday, June 5, 2010

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Court orders Jehovah's Witness boy be given blood transfusion and more...

Court orders Jehovah's Witness boy be given blood transfusion

blood transfusion A hospital has won the right to give a child potentially life-saving blood transfusions despite the religious objections of the boy and his family.

In a South Australian legal first, the Supreme Court this afternoon gave the Women's and Children's Hospital the right to give a 10-year-old boy - a member of the Jehovah's Witness faith - transfusions as part of his cancer treatment.

Judge dismisses Summum request for equal space with Ten Commandments

Summum A federal judge on Thursday tossed out a lawsuit by a Salt Lake City religious group seeking equal space for its own marker in a Pleasant Grove city park that has a Ten Commandments monument.

Summum -- which was founded in 1975 and is headquartered in a pyramid-shaped temple -- encourages some Egyptian practices, such as mummification. It has demanded public space for a monument touting its 'Seven Aphorisms.'

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