Scientology: The Religion of the Stars, infiltrated and more...

Posted by religion world Saturday, February 6, 2010

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Scientology: The Religion of the Stars, infiltrated and more...

Scientology: The Religion of the Stars, infiltrated

Scientology In Scientology: The Religion of the Stars author Ian Halperin goes undercover to reveal never-before-told secrets of the strange, science-fiction inspired church of the stars.

Halperin infiltrates the Church of Scientology posing as a gay actor attracted by the church's claim that it can cure homosexuality. Rebuffed until he claims that his uncle is a rich millionaire thinking of joining the church, he is given unprecedented access and allowed to video his entire experience. The results are explosive.

Australian Senator challenges Scientology cult to agree to Senate inquiry

Scientology ''I challenge the Church of Scientology - if they are so confident of their position, they should welcome a Senate inquiry where they can give evidence,'' Senator Xenophon said yesterday.

The 'Church' meanwhile portrays a group of its critics as a 'hate group' -- an act of hypocrisy given Scientology's lengthy history of hate- and harassment activities.

Dutch church retains atheist preacher

James Arthur Ray An atheist preacher has been allowed to stay in office by the Protestant Church of the Netherlands.

The regional church assembly in the southwestern town of Zierikzee decided that preacher Klaas Hendrikse's views do not fundamentally differ from those of other liberal theologians in the Protestant Church.

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