Religion News Blog - 5 new articles

Posted by religion world Saturday, November 7, 2009


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"Religion News Blog" - 5 new articles

  1. Prosecutor not malicious in Satanic sex abuse case, Canada's Supreme Court says
  2. Supreme Court upholds cult AUM Shinrikyo members' death sentences
  3. Jury takes 14 minutes to convict self-proclaimed pot pastor
  4. Fort Hood shooting: imam says Nalid Malik Husan 'didn't seem like an extremist'
  5. Polygamist Sect Leader Convicted of Sexual Assault
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Prosecutor not malicious in Satanic sex abuse case, Canada's Supreme Court says

Supreme Court Canada The Supreme Court of Canada ruled Friday that a Crown prosecutor was not acting maliciously when he prosecuted 12 members of a Saskatchewan family in the early 1990s after three foster children accused them of sexual abuse and bizarre satanic ritual abuse.

In 1993, criminal charges against all but one member of the Klassen family were stayed and the children later admitted they had made up the story.

Supreme Court upholds cult AUM Shinrikyo members' death sentences

Aum Shinrikyo Two former members of the cult AUM Shinrikyo, Toru Toyoda (41) and Kenichi Hirose (45), had their death sentences upheld by the Supreme Court on Friday for their involvement in the 1995 sarin nerve gas attack on the Tokyo subway system that killed 12 people and hospitalized thousands.

Jury takes 14 minutes to convict self-proclaimed pot pastor

Steven Swallick Steven Swallick says he runs a ministry about marijuana. He says he mixed the marijuana with other ingredients to create anointing oil, a recipe he says he got out of the Bible.

But the jury didn't have to address the religious issue, just whether he grew it, possessed it and stole electricity to do it.

Fort Hood shooting: imam says Nalid Malik Husan 'didn't seem like an extremist'

Malik Nadal Hasan, Muslim terrorist An American imam who once led the mosque attended by Nalid Malik Hasan, the man suspected of shooting 13 people dead at the Fort Hood military base in Texas, has said the army major did not seem to be an extremist.

But a former aremy colleague quoted Hasan as saying Muslims should "rise up" and attack Americans in retaliation for the US war in Iraq.

Polygamist Sect Leader Convicted of Sexual Assault

Raymond Jessop Raymond M. Jessop, one of the leaders of a polygamist sect was convicted Thursday night of sexually assaulting an under-age girl whom the church elders had assigned to him as one of his nine wives.

The state used birth records, a marriage certificate and FLDS church records to show Jessop, already married, took the girl as a spiritual wife in 2004 when she was 16. [video]

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