Christians in Good Company

Posted by religion world Thursday, October 1, 2009

Christians in Good Company

Posted: 01 Oct 2009 05:00 AM PDT

If you'd like to join up, just check out 2nd Cup of Coffee and jump right in!

1. Tell me the absolute best way to watch a movie. Sitting up in the bed, leaning on a pillow, with a pint of Blue Bell in hand!

2. Do you ever think about your own funeral? If so, do you have specific ideas about how you would like it to be? I want to be cremated. I've already told my family this.
But before when I wanted a funeral, I wanted I Can Only Imagine by Mercyme to be played...

3. Are you more of a giver or a taker? for years I was a taker. I try really hard to be more of a giver now..I have to practice it on purpose.

4. Vacations: planned activities and schedules, or play it by ear? I like the planned activities! I'm not very spontaneous.

5. What is one often overlooked item in your home that needs to be cleaned regularly? The microwave! I hate to admit it, but I neglect it!

6. Name a cause that means a lot to you. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm passionate about God's word changing people's lives. That's why I am a follower and partner of Joyce Meyer Ministries. I believe in the power of God's word to transform us!

7. Do you eat a regular old peanut butter jelly sandwich, or do you customize it? And by the way, jelly or no jelly? I just recently (this year) had my very FIRST peanut butter and jelly sandwich!! I had never tried it and the only reason I did was because I was looking for something sweet after being dx'd with diabetes. There is no customization..just peanut butter and very little jelly...I hate those clumps!!!

8. If we were having a conversation in person, how would I know if you were nervous? I guess I do alot of giggling when I'm nervous!

9. Do you have an elaborate bedtime routine, or just the basics of tooth brushing and jammies? When I retire to my room at night, I always just sit up in bed with a small bowl and a bag of sunflower seeds..The seeds have become part of my bedtime routine..

10. Have you ever regretted something you wrote on your blog? Nope

11. Has anyone ever told you that you look like a famous person or celebrity? Did you agree? Someone once told me I looked like Whoopi Goldberg because of my high cheek bones...I actually have a picture that is stuck on my camera that shows this, but like I said, it's stuck!

12. If you were going to dedicate a song to a loved one or friend, what would the song be and to whom would it be dedicated? I'd dedicate I'll be Missing You by P.Diddy to my mom. Everytime I hear that song, I think of her...


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