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- Scientology attacks free speech in Australia
- Widespread killings among Sudan Christians reported
- Call for Papers: 2010 ICSA NY Annual Conference
- Convert Languishing in Jail in Ethiopia for Handing Out Bibles
- 'Holy Ghost' cult stirs Idaho debate after move from Utah
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Scientology has a lot to hide -- and a lot of it has been exposed to daylight by the cult's many critics.
That must hurt in the pocketbook, and thus the 'church' -- which among other things is behind an anti-psychiatry hate group -- has launched yet another on free speech.

Sudanese Christians have urged fellow believers around the world to pray for them as armed groups are kidnapping and killing church leaders and other Christians, an advocacy group with close knowledge about the situation told BosNewsLife Tuesday.
Christians, who comprise just about 18 percent of Sudan's mainly Muslim population of nearly 39 million people, are increasingly in the crossfire as many of them abandoned Islam, rights groups say.

The International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) seeks paper and panel proposals for its 2010 Annual International Conference -- Psychological Manipulation, Cultic Groups, and Other Alternative Movements -- which is being organized in collaboration with Info-Cult/Info-Secte of Montreal, Canada.

Christian sources in Ethiopia said that, contrary to Ethiopian law, 39-year-old Bashir Musa Ahmed has not been formally charged since his arrest on May 23 in Jijiga, capital of Somali Region Zone Five, a predominantly Muslim area in eastern Ethiopia.
Zonal police arrested him after he was accused of providing Muslims with Somali-language Bibles bearing covers that resemble the Quran, the sources said.

There's rising concern in Idaho about a religious cult that packed up and moved out of Utah earlier this summer. Neighbors near Pocatello are upset about the group's plan for a massive new residence.
Before they moved to Idaho, the group stirred law enforcement interest in Utah. Leader Terrill Dalton purports to be the Holy Ghost and the Father of Jesus, but a former follower accused him of sexual improprieties and assassination plots. [video]

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