Clinical Depression and Me Posted: 19 Sep 2009 06:48 AM PDT  I'm not sure if I feel better or worse after my doctor's appt yesterday.
First issue: Diabetes She looked at my blood glucose journal and said that my numbers were actually pretty good except for my fasting which has ALWAYS been too high. When I was first diagnosed, it was in the 180s. Now it's 140. It's been 6 mths. I'm already taking the Met with dinner so now she wants me to take 2 at dinner (1000 mg) and try that for 3 more mths. My "during the day" numbers are good, but that morning one sucks.
2nd issue: Coccyx (Tailbone) pain She felt around to see if it hurt when she touched it. It didn't. She sent me for an xray. If I hear from her next week, she found something on it. If not, then it's not bad enough for anything to be done. She just recommended Ibuprofen and a heating pad!
3rd issue: Possible endometriosis I am STILL on the fence about this one. I know what my periods are like and the pain in unbearable....BUT the only way (says doc) that they can find out for sure if I have endometriosis is to do laproscopic surgery. I had this type of surgery when my gall bladder was removed, but the idea of going under the knife right now is very scary to me. I don't wanna do it. I wish they could diagnose some other way and then I wouldn't mind going under for the actual surgery to fix it!! I'm gonna have to pray about that one. I really don't wanna do it.
4th issue: Depression I had no idea I was gonna bring this up to my doctor. My sister actually told me that I should. I spent a period of time a few years back being depressed (I didn't really realize it) and I never did anything about it. My sister says that I should talk to someone. I had no idea I was coming off as depressed, but my sister knows me better than anyone. I figured, if I mentioned it to the doctor and then they asked me questions and my answers didn't seem depressed then, no harm done.
Doc asked me a few questions. Standard ones. Then she made an appt with mental health for me for next week. Is that bad? She offered meds but I said no. I just want to talk first. I'm not sure how to feel about this. I've never REALLY considered myself depressed before, but what I feel right now IS overwhelming. I sleep alot. I don't really want to get up and do anything like I used to. I can barely bring myself to exercise. I try not to think about my problems at all, cause they make me cry. I'm not sure if all of that sounds like depression, but that's where I am.
I know God has me and I talk to him everyday. I feel like if I am depressed then I'm kind of betraying Him. I know it's crazy, but I'm just not feeling good about this right now. This is new territory for me.
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