Idéia simples e lucrativa!

Posted by religion world Wednesday, March 26, 2014 0 comments

Receba em média R$ 6.250,00 por mês
O Retorno Amigo é um sistema de doação espontânea em formato de ação entre amigos, com o objetivo de ajudar a distribuir renda para seus participantes. A ideia é simples: Ao se cadastrar através da indicação de um conhecido, você depositará R$10,00 na conta de 4 participantes. Após isto, você já será um indicador participante e poderá receber de todos que você indicar em até 4 níveis!
Após fazer as doações, você acessará seu painel em nosso site utilizando sua senha e enviará os comprovantes de pagamento dos depósitos que você fez. Após isto, os usuários para quem você doou irão confirmar os valores depositados em suas contas. Assim que os 4 confirmarem, você ganhará um link (endereço virtual) que você poderá divulgar massivamente. E todos que entrarem no sistema através de seu link, vão receber também 4 contas, sendo uma delas a sua. Assim, você receberá uma doação de R$ 10,00 de cada pessoa que entrar no sistema pelo seu link ou nos links de seus indicados até o quarto nível! 

O interessante, é que não há limites para os ganhos, já que quando você consegue um indicado, ele estará em seu primeiro nível, e como não há limites para os níveis, seus ganhos se tornarão crescentes.
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Needed: Linguists who can help survey the Romani languages in Eastern Europe.


Europe: The Roma (gypsy) peoples, starting from India hundreds of years ago, spread across the Middle East and Europe.

They are found in almost every country across this region. The Romani languages diverged and multiplied as the speakers adapted to the languages around them.

It is estimated that there are two or three varieties of Romani in each country in Europe, but much more survey needs to be done to provide a clear picture.

Needed are gifted linguists into the exacting work of language survey.



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Posted by religion world Tuesday, March 18, 2014 0 comments

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Wycliffe Associates volunteers finishes school in Ethiopia

Posted by religion world Monday, March 17, 2014 0 comments



Bingham Academy High School


On January 10, 2014 the new campus of Bingham Academy was dedicated.  Wycliffe Associates volunteer Michael Heaton oversaw

the project that provides a Christian education to students K-12.  Located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, students come from over 30

countries across the globe.  About half of the students are also come from the diverse international community that live in Addis Ababa.


There are 89 languages spoken in Ethiopia. 



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We are still sending volunteers and aid to Bible translation activities in Southern Sudan….



Contact: Donn Hallman

Wycliffe Associates






Wycliffe Associates Continuing to Support Bible Translation Efforts in South Sudan at Critical Time in the Nation


(Orlando, Florida, USA)—Wycliffe Associates, a global organization that involves people in the acceleration of Bible translation around the world, will be focusing its efforts in South Sudan on members of unreached people groups, many of whom are living in refugee camps.

Afraid for their very lives, thousands of refugees from Northern Africa who have fled their homes, their farms, and the land of their ancestors, live in crowded, unsanitary refugee camps. They have no way to work or grow food for their children. EXILED! These men, women, and children live without dignity, without joy . . . and worst of all, without hope.

And then when it seems life could not be any more difficult, those who sought safe refuge in South Sudan are now in danger again! The entire area is a hotbed of unrest. Recent reports are frightening: men, women, and children have been caught in the crossfire of battles between government and rebel fighters. Violence has surged throughout the country. The people of South Sudan do not know who to trust. They are lost and afraid.

“But in the midst of the turmoil, there is a ray of hope,” says Wycliffe Associates President/CEO Bruce Smith. “This ongoing conflict has created a fertile ground for seeds of faith in the most unlikely soil—that of refugee camps. More than ever, these refugees are open and hungry for hope and truth. They must have God’s Word in their heart language to cling to in the midst of such persecution and tragedy.”

An estimated one million South Sudanese, speaking 54 languages, are without the Scriptures in their own language. “We have an incredible, unprecedented, God-given opportunity to reach a generation of lost people in South Sudan,” says Smith.


About Wycliffe Associates

Wycliffe Associates involves people in accelerating the work of Bible translation through their time, talents, and treasure. Because millions of people around the world are still waiting to read the Scriptures in the language of their heart, Wycliffe Associates is working as quickly as they can to translate every verse of the Bible into every tongue to change every heart. The organization partners with nationals, mother tongue translators, staff, volunteers, and supporters to direct and fund these efforts, as well as provide logistics, networking, and technical support. Through a growing global network, Wycliffe Associates is striving to overcome local limitations of time and resources to achieve the goal of beginning the translation of God’s Word in every remaining language that needs it by 2025.

Last year, the organization mobilized 3,145 volunteers and staff members to accelerate Bible translation in 71 countries. Additional information is available at the organization’s website at or by calling 1-800-THE WORD (1-800-843-9673).


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