Christians in Good Company

Posted by religion world Thursday, February 14, 2013 0 comments

Christians in Good Company

Valentine's Day Blessing

Posted: 14 Feb 2013 04:00 AM PST

For those of you who have followed me through the years, you know that most of it has been very lonely for me. God has taken me through alot and I thank Him for being here with me. When I first started this blog, my son was probably around 7 or 8 and now he's going on 16 years old!!

While blogging: 
I've lost an apartment to fire
lost a job and my car of 10 years
moved from Nashville to Texas and 
started going back to school

God has seen me through it all and brought me out better than before!! He has also blessed me with a wonderful man who loves me very much. His name is Marvin Washington and I thank God for him every day. Since Marvin has come into my life, I finally know what being in love really is.

When I think of how happy Marvin makes me and how much of a perfect fit he is for me, I just praise God that He saw fit to bless me like this! I couldn't have asked for a more loving and kind-hearted man. Marvin is a man of God who appreciates all that the Lord has done for him.

Thank you Lord for bringing him into my life and I pray that we always keep you first in our relationship. Thank you God for my Valentine's Day Blessing!

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Christians in Good Company

Posted by religion world Tuesday, February 12, 2013 0 comments

Christians in Good Company

God Has Given Me a New Direction!

Posted: 11 Feb 2013 06:15 AM PST

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Revista Guia da INTERNET, edição n.º 153

Posted by religion world Sunday, February 10, 2013 0 comments



Já se encontra à venda (em todo o país) a edição n.º 153 da revista Gui@ da INTERNET:



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Não perca igualmente a revista COMPUTADOR:

Em cada uma das páginas encontra as melhores dicas práticas destinadas ao aproveitamento do seu computador, a resposta a duvidas e problemas do dia-a-dia, um verdadeiro guia prático de utilização do computador pessoal...

A exemplo da Guia da Internet, a revista COMPUTADOR é editada, desde há 18 anos, com a participação directa dos leitores:





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Christians in Good Company

Posted by religion world 0 comments

Christians in Good Company

Thank You Lord for Being So Good To Me!

Posted: 09 Feb 2013 10:07 AM PST

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