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Brazil's evangelical revolution sees miracle healers take centre stage and more...

Brazil's evangelical revolution sees miracle healers take centre stage

Brazil Brazil – and much of Latin America and the Caribbean — is in the midst of what believers proudly call an "evangelical revolution".

According to the IBGE, Brazil's census board, the country's Catholic population fell from around 89% in 1980 to 74% in 2000, while its Pentecostal flock grew from 3% to 10%. Brazilian churches are opening branches from Buenos Aires to Port-au-Prince.

FLDS trial: Evidence collection presented; ranch grounds, vaults, guns detailed

Keith William Dutson Texas state brought up guns and vaults as it focused on evidence collection on the fourth day of the trial of Keith Dutson Jr., a member of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints charged with sexual assault.

The evidence came from a raid on the Yearning for Zion Ranch in 2008 when authorities acted on what was later determined to be a hoax call of a woman claiming abuse at the ranch.

Church of Universal Love and Music founder sues over drug raid

Church of Universal Love and Music The Church of Universal Love and Music has set the stage for another federal court battle.

The founder of the controversial music church alleges that the Fayette County Drug Task Force illegally raided a funk concert last year in a "callous and militaristic fashion" with an "overly broad" search warrant that violated the rights of attendees, according to a federal lawsuit filed Tuesday.

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